I want to protect my dll from the disassembler.
I created class library using c#. And i got dll from Build. If i disassemble this dll using reflector the it show the original source code (C# code).
I want to protect this. Can you please suggest any good idea to protect?
I do not want any software for protect. I need to achive this by adding some more code for make more security. Or anything other technique if you think best please tell me.
Check out EazFuscator: http://www.foss.kharkov.ua/g1/projects/eazfuscator/dotnet/Default.aspx
It is free (you can send donation if you want), and easy to use.
The page is a step-by-step guide on how to use the tool.
The page is a step-by-step guide on how to use the tool.
I follow the below step to achive.
1. Download ( http://www.foss.kharkov.ua/g1/projects/eazfuscator/dotnet/Default.aspx ) and install that Eazfuscator tools
2. Run that tool
3. Drag and drop the dll to that tool
4. Finally the dll has been protected.
I don't know how to use the tool but i am sure there are many tools that can be used to obfuscate your code.
There is a duplicate thrread on msdn about this.
Some third party obfuscation tools:
Amit Bansal http://www.oops4you.blogspot.com/