2012年10月21日 星期日

How to protect C# DLL from Reverse engineering

Solution 1


you can use an obfuscator to protect your code. Here is one product:


Solution 4

Use an obfuscator like Crypto Obfuscator . An obfuscator converts your code and symbols into senseless data while retaining the logic.

Solution 5

Using an obfuscator tool is the only way. Be aware that obfuscating doesn't make it "impossible", but it can make it significantly more difficult to do in a timely manner. One tool not to bother with is the one that comes with Visual Studio. It doesn't do *nearly* enough.

Solution 6

You can try ILProtector . It protects .NET code using code virtualization. In this case level of code protection increases manyfold compared to obfuscation.

